Love - An intense feeling of deep affection.

We all search for love and everyone needs love, care, affection and loyalty but do we even know when are we ready for love? 

Self love is the first step and when our words run out and silence is the most comfortable sound we'll know we are ready. Relationships are like sun warming up your face after a long winter, there are different relationships it can be a relationship with your family your friends your colleagues or even a stranger, A relationship only lasts when there is love present in you first.

Once a person knows how to love himself first then only he/she can love someone else because if someone doesn't know self love he/she is not capable of giving it to the other person they might just hurt each other it'll never be a perfect relationship. A perfect relationship is a beautiful bond between two souls giving out a positive energy or a feeling unconditionally without any barriers of the world.

Words play a very important role to a perfect relationship - A simple word can cut deeper than a sword, you can't even see the wound. Trust takes you to a perfect relationship as well when you fully trust someone without any doubt you finally get one of two results -

❤ A person for life


❤ A lesson for life

We become who we are through the people, places, creatures and everything around us and the stories we love. Never try to find love let the love find you and even when two souls are apart you'll be holding hands through your heart then only you might find a perfect relationship.
