Two people who are not on the same page but they were earlier they loved each other at a certain point, they cared for each other and everything was going good and they were happiest together then a twist comes they start drifting apart, fewer phone calls, not getting proper text messages and not meeting each other like the way they use to do before and they break up.

what do you say? what could've happened? Don't they love each other the same as before? 100's of questions arise. The relationship got toxic but how does a relationship get toxic?

 Every relationship requires efforts, mutual understanding, care for the other person,love and affection but a relationship can become toxic if they abuse you Mentally or physically , they attack your self-esteem they lower down your self-confidence, if they are too judgemental about you doesn't trust you and make you feel worthless. Your choices and decisions are not yours to make anymore.

They force you to do things you don't want to do they try to change a lot of things about you they don't care what bothers you or they make you choose between them and your career/family/friends.

If they're making you feel down and not appreciated, there's your sign.

A toxic relation is not between girlfriend and a boyfriend it can be a friend in school, a office colleague even your parent or a relative as well 

Signs you are dealing with toxic parents :

  1.  Manipulates you to get thier way
  2. Try to control your behaviour 
  3. Guilting you, shaming you 
  4. Don't give you space 
  5. Belittle your feelings
  6. Overly critical 

Surrounding yourself with the right people is such a life hack.The right people give you energy by thier mere presence.The right people will have you working out,eating right,improving,your credit,learning new skills,manifesting and meditating.The right people level you up.

Another thought that crosses my mind is why do people stay in toxic relationships?

  1. They stick with what is familiar, even if it makes them unhappy.
  2. They do not believe that they deserve happiness.
  3. They worry that a new relationship could end up being worse than the present one
  4. They think that true love is a myth.

I'm sorry that someone you loved made you think it's hard to love you. 

Avoid people who mess with your head. avoid people who intentionally and repeatedly do and say things that they know will upset you. avoid people who expect you to prioritise them but refuse to prioritise you. avoid people who can't and won't apologise sincerely and my favourite is avoid people who act like victim when they've been confronted by thier bad behaviour towards you and make out you're the bad person but they were the very first to make you feel like love is a myth.


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